A to Z Blogging

Quebradita – A to Z Challenge April 2018 #DanceKaPunchnama

Hello Peeps!!

My letter for the Day is ‘Q’

Quebradita is a Mexican dance form. It means “Little break”, referring to the breaking of a wild horse and a female dancer’s back bends.

A to Z Blogging 2018 #DanceKaPunchnama
Source: google

This dance form is introduced by band called El Recodo in 1960. During 1990 to 2000, it became much popular in Mexico and in some parts of US.

How to perform this dance?

In Quebradita, there is a male dancer and a female dancer.The male dancer lowers the female dancer backwards almost to the point where she touches the floor. Then the male dancer quickly pulls her up. This is what the “little break” refers to.

Quebradita - A to Z Blogchatter
Source: google

The ‘little break’ represents the breaking element in the dance. During the movements, the couple seems to break at the knees and waist, while hold onto one another.

This dance has acrobatic movements; the woman being thrown around seems to break around the man’s body while sliding down and around.


April A to Z Blogging - #DanceKaPunchnama
Source: google

The musical instruments from popular quebradita groups are electric guitars and instruments with synthesizers.


Quebradita Costume
Source: google

Quebradita dancers wear western style clothing like jeans, fringe shirts, cowboy boots, Stetson hat accessorized with cuartas (horsewhips), correas (leather straps) or bandanas embroidered with the name of wearer’s Mexican state of origin. Dancer’s nickname is stitched onto the pant leg sometimes. The male dancer performs tricks with hat, spinning and tossing it between hands, feet and head.

Sharing here some videos of Quebradita Dance:

See what dance form I have shared for the letter ‘P’

What will be my next dance form for the letter ‘R’?

This post is in association with #BlogchatterA2Z

A to Z Blogchatter
Source: Blogchatter

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Source: Wikipedia, latindancehistory,


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