Ice Dancing - #DanceKaPunchnama

Ice Dancing – A to Z Challenge April 2018 #DanceKaPunchnama

Hello Peeps

My letter for the Day is ‘I

Ice Dancing is a type of figure skating and inspired by ballroom dancing where a couple or single person performs the dance with the musical beat.

How to perform this dance?

Ice Dancing - A to Z Challenge April
source: google

Ice Dancing is one type of figure skating where male and female skater perform a well-choreographed dance. But there is a minute difference between pair figure skating and ice dancing. In figure skating, dancers perform overhead lifts, death spirals, twist lifts, throw jumps, and more but ice dancing throws and jumps are not allowed. It is more about ballroom dancing where dancers compete in pairs and must carry out spins together.


Ice Dancing
source: google

There is no such instrument; dancers perform with the ice dancing music which one can get in a dvd form.


Ice Dancing costume
source: google

Skaters need to do jumps, glide; lifts etc so the costume should be made by stretchy material. Dancers prefer costumes with sequins work and eye catchy sparkles. According to rules, a figure skater’s body has to be half covered at all times by fabric. Skin-tone mesh fabric is used to cover the body. Women’s costumes are a little bodice and skirt. But now they can skip the skirt to do all the movements’ comfortably. Skaters can lose points if any part of their costume falls off during their performance.

Difference between Ice Dancing and Figure Skating:

Figer Skating
source: google

In Ice dancing, women can’t be lifted over the man’s head.

Pair figure skating has side -by-side jumps

Ice dancing has synchronize turns on one foot

Death spiral happens in pair figure skating only

Ice dancers must include Rumba dance in their performance

In figure skating, pairs can be further apart but in ice dancing pairs can go only two arm’s length apart.

Sharing here some videos of Ice Dancing:

See what dance form I have shared for the letter ‘H’

What will be my next dance form for the letter ‘J’?

This post is in association with #BlogchatterA2Z

A to Z April 2018
Source: Blogchatter

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Source: washingtonpost,wikipedia


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