My First Blog Anniversary!!

Yes, I am super excited today!!
Its my Fist Blog Anniversary

My blog is like my second child and I am nurturing it with care and love. Today I am going to tell you the story behind this blog –

I am working in a fashion house and taking care of its PR part too. So I have come across to several fashion bloggers and their work influenced me to start my own blog.

Since I am working and I have a kid too, its really difficult to manage time for writing and photo shoot.Yes, I have got support from my parents and husband too. Revealing the secret πŸ™‚ My husband is my only photographer still…:)

I write everything on my blog, starting from a fashion story to product reviews, Digital News etc.
In this last one year, I have collaborated happily with 16 brands. A special mention to fbb, it has made huge changes in my life.

Trust me,this is not an easy job.But when you are passionate about something,stress cant take your way! πŸ™‚

I have big dreams and this is just a starting…Long way to go! Wish me Good Luck πŸ™‚

Going to start my first #Giveway very soon..Follow me on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to get the updates.

As I say always: Be Happy & Stay Stylish πŸ™‚


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