Do SEO for Your Blog – Lesson 1

I have already shared my story about starting this blog. I was working as a PR person for my company and that time I explored the fashion and lifestyle blogging communities. The amazing bloggers, their style, their fashion tips, their writing skill these are my inspiration behind this blog. I thought I should start my own blog too.

I am in the field of digital marketing for more than 7 years. I know how organic growth is important for a blog. Yes, I use to share tips with my fellow bloggers too 😉

Also Read: How to increase your website traffic?

But they want to know more about SEO. What all they need is a step by step guide on search engine optimization?

I am starting today a how to do SEO guide for all my fellow bloggers:

1. First know about SEO: The full form is search engine optimization. SEO is a continuous process to secure higher rank among millions of websites. The more high the rank, the more traffic you will get for your website.

2. The Important Factors: Keywords, Content and Website architecture.

Step by Step Guide:

First, we would create and setup Google Analytics and Google webmaster accounts. Both are important to track the website traffic, user demographics, search terms, pageviews etc.

  • Create Google Analytics Account: Go to Google Analytics and create your account.

Google Analytics

Fill up the required fields like account name, website name, website url, time zone (for Indian bloggers, select India) etc and click on the blue button.

After accepting Google policy, you will get the tracking code like below:

Google Analytics - Tracking ID

You need to place this code at the header section of your blog. Now you can check and track all the data from here.

Google Webmaster

Then at the right section you will get ‘Add A Property’ option. Click on it to get add your website option.

google webmaster set up

For site verification, follow the steps:

Google Webmaster

  • Website Audit: This is the most important part before starting SEO for your blog. You can use any online free audit tools or you can shoot me a mail at for quick review. I have shared few tips already in this article.

  • A Detailed Keyword Research: First decide the keywords for which you want to rank high! As a lifestyle blogger, your keywords can be like ‘lifestyle bloggers in India’, ‘best lifestyle bloggers in India’, ‘best lifestyle blog’ etc. I will suggest taking long tail keywords for initial work. A detailed keyword research will help you to identify the most profitable and relevant keywords for your blog.

I can assist you here but I charge a small amount for this. 🙂 (Trust me, it needs hard work)

That’s all for today, complete the above mentioned steps ASAP, I will share the next steps soon. If you face any sort of difficulties then shoot me a mail at . I will guide you with all details.


This post is published for #OpenNTalk Blogger’s League hosted by @GleefulBlogger and @WigglingPen in association with Summerbarn, Vedantika Herbals, Nyassa, Explore Kids World.

I would like to introduce Varsha, who is a passionate lifestyle blogger, an aspiring author, freelance content writer and an editor. She blogs at:


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39 thoughts on “Do SEO for Your Blog – Lesson 1

  1. I can’t tell you how thankful I am for this post. I was speaking to a blogger friend yesterday about the daily struggles I have for understanding the blogging terms and seo specifically.. how to set.. what to do.. thank you so much for the post

  2. This is what I call hearing from the horse’s mouth. You as an expert have shared what are basic dynamics for a blog. Glad to be connected with you Sayeri, you have always been wonderful in helping new / old anyone.

  3. Good start, Sayeri. Useful and helpful for new bloggers. You have explained it very clearly and easy to follow steps. Best wishes for the series.

  4. I’m going to come back to your blog for more info, Sayeri. I’ve been blogging for a long time but am getting the hang of SEO, page views, etc only now. This is very helpful. Thank you. #OpenNTalk #BloggerBabes

  5. You really responded to my heart. I was thinking about the same as i m new into this world. Really your tips helped me a lot and i will definitely going to shoot so many of emails with questions….hope to get more info soon!! Thanks a bunch.

  6. It has been over a year for my blog. And now I am aware how much SEO is important for the rankings if you want to be a professional blogger. Looking forward to your next post

  7. SEO ia very important. Recently, I came to know from a fellow blohher that she found two of my posts on Google’s first page. It was a wonderful feeling to know this. I agree SEO is as important as creating a good content for our blog success.

  8. Thank you for this. Am. Saving this article and coming back later. I need to fine tune my site a bit.

  9. That’s a very useful and informative post. I am not very comfortable with this aspect of blogging. Hoping to follow these steps and learn. Thanks for sharing!

  10. These are some very important pointers to take care of wben building a successful blogging career. Thanks for sharing the tips.

  11. That’s a greatly written post for all teh seo strugglers like me! So well explained!
    #BlogAMile #OpenNTalk

  12. at the point of time when I opened my blog i was also struggling with SEO. I wish I could have this article on that time.

  13. Very informative post Sayeri. Thanks for the share as it will definitely me and other bloggers grow their blogs.

    – Anami from #InvincibleGang for #OpenNTalk #Week2

  14. This is amazing, Sayeri. It will helpful to all the aspiring and newbie bloggers as well as veterans.Looking forward to the future posts in this series.

  15. This is a helpful post. SEO is really important for a website and something which I am trying to understand slowly.

  16. This is such an informative post.. at the right time too since I have been doing up some reading up on this topic.. you have explained it in such simple points #OpennTalk #Bloggingdivas

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