Veere Di Wedding

Did you find your VEERE?

Obviously we are referring to none other than the VEERES among your girl gang!

If you’ve not found one…obviously it can’t be possible. But if you’ve watched the recent up-beat movie Veere di wedding, am sure you would be able to relate to the ‘Bro’ in your girl gang!

A small enlightening trivia, ‘Veere’ in Punjabi is a name addressed to someone close in your gang. A pick up name used generally by guys, but we have at times have noticed girl buddies using the word ‘VEERE’ which means ‘BRO, Let’s Rock’.

At least I use this word, a zillion times with my girl besties!

Last week, after my work hours, me, my mom and one of my girl bestie, managed to snuggle up a mid-row seat at a movie theatre nearby.

Veere De Wedding
Source: google

The Movie started…It was interesting for me and my bestie, but not for my Mom!

Hence, as we understand the movie is a female buddy comedy film especially targeted to millennial generation like us, who are living life in their own terms.

Veere di wedding - scene
Source: google

From late night parties to neither being coy about sex before marriage and spewing cuss words to most important of all – LIVING LIFE AS PER ONE’S term and breaking the proverbial glass ceiling. Veere Di Wedding is a Hollywood makeover of Sex and the City transplanted on to the Indian soil through these girls, who left no stone unturned by their uninhibited bold action sequences.

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The main character being acted by Kareena with Sonam, Shikha and Swara in the supporting roles. Infact, the story sheds light on the complexities of today’s modern and independent women who find it difficult to adjust to the give-ins of the society!

Veere Di Wedding - Movie Scenes
Source: google

From going to the doctor for missing the biological clock to constant push-by nagging parents to get hitched,  as your biological clock is almost going to come to an end – Veere Di Wedding is just not portrayal of chicks or it is a chick-flick, but a steady portrayal of what today’s millennial women faces in her life.

She is just like a pendulum in the clock stuck whether to get into someone’s shoes or stand by one’s own.  She’s someone who sulks for not having that perfect family to someone who just finds it averse to create one!

Wedding Scene - Veere Di Wedding
Source: google

If its characters like Avni (Sonam Kapoor), in spite of hating the idea of traditional marriage gets moved by her emotional blackmail of her mother or Sakshi (Swara Bhaskar) who marries by her choice and later on repents, for the marriage doesn’t work out as she expected and whether it is Meera (Shikha) who marries by her choice but feels bad as her parents wouldn’t accept it or whether its Kalindi (Kareena) who loves someone not from the typical traditional culture – the film ‘Veere Di Wedding’  also highlights the complexities of modern and traditional mindsets in relationships.

In fact audiences can very well relate to any of these four characters within themselves!

Veere Dio Wedding - Popular Scenes
Source: google

Moreover, it also defines the fair share of fights between the sexes which starts from women who love men but cannot stand the person who loves their mothers – women who loves to sexually explore but undermines men who do the same and say ‘no’ when they would need it.

Though it’s worth watching but definitely not with the older generation! 😛

This post is published for #OpenNTalk Blogger’s League hosted by Gleefulblogger & Wigglingpen in association with SummerBarnVedantika HerbalsNyassa and Explore Kids World.


Thanks Nehal for sharing the quick dhokla recipe! 🙂 We have started this week with Swarupa who blogs at She is a fun loving girl, leo and literally mad for fashion.


Posts created 341

37 thoughts on “Did you find your VEERE?

  1. Wohu thank you for sharing this review am gonna watch this movie with my girls gang to cherish the moment a

  2. Awesome review dear. I too loved the movie. Especially the clothes, they wore, I loved them all.

  3. Oh dint know so much about the movie. I thought its a Desi version of Satc. But can see it has more to it. Will try to watch.

  4. Lately hearing a lot about this movie. I don’t have veeras but one would be lucky to have such friends.

  5. I watched the movie with my Veere too! Barring the cuss words, I loved the way the girls accepted the flaws in their characters and still lived their lives normally. Good movie if you watch it with your Veere and none other…
    #CrossBorderSisters #OpenNTalk

  6. I actually loved the movie. I know its little different form the conventional hindi movies but they have shown which is not usually shown openly but is true.

  7. This was an interesting read veere, since I have not yet watched this movie due to mixed reviews. But it sounds like a watch for our gen, shall do it soon:)

  8. I see movies as movies not relating much to life n liked it. ?I wouldn’t say that I would agree with my brats to choose the lifestyle depicted but we do discuss the things on table which was considered taboo few decades back. A light hearten movie to giggle with friends.

    #BlogAMile #OpenNTalk

  9. I totally agree with your review because I watch this movie and I totally love it and I also watched sex and the city and I can definitely spot all the resemblance in this movie beautifully interpreted on our soil.

  10. Hmm…thank you for this interesting review. You have definitfly increased my curiosity about the film (although I haven’t dared to go for it yet, esp after reading the horrendous reviews it has received). Twas nice to read a different perspective.

    #CrossBorderSisters #OpenNTalk

  11. Veere Di Wedding’ is a brave effort. This film will find an appeal with the younger generations who can relate to the discussions and dilemmas of these veeres.

  12. i have not seen the movie as yet. i was pretty excited, but with some very negative reviews i planned to drop it.

    – Princy from #InvincibleGang for #OpenNTalk #Week3

  13. The movie was fun but definitely a one-time watch for me. The story didn’t really get me interested. The clothes and styling was chic though.
    #OpenNTalk #BloggerBabes

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