SUNNY LEONE & DANIEL WEBER: Giving Us Major Couple Goals

Karenjit Kaur Vohra aka Sunny Leone, Ah! You read that name right is the most Googled name on the internet. She definitely is a rock-star!

From being a middle-class Punjabi kudi born in Canada to a conservative Sikh family, she took to fame even after facing various setbacks after entering the ‘adult-entertainment Industry. From stardom in Bollywood as ‘Baby-Doll’ to the recent release of her biopic ‘Karenjit Kaur-The Untold Story of Sunny Leone’ – she stirred the nation with her popular roles.  ‘Karenjit Kaur-The Untold Story of Sunny Leone Season 2’ brings out the lesser known facts of her life, starting from her regrets and break down when her mother is at death-bed to finding the love of her life after dumping her fiancé who had been cheating on her – Sunny got a chance to tell her story her own way!

Image result for Karenjit Kaur-The Untold Story of Sunny Leone

In one of those episodes from the series, ‘Love at first sight’, you get to watch the bonding and chemistry with the love of her life Daniel Weber. Especially the scene where she spots him at an Adult-Video Awards and both hit it off instantly. Moreover, for Daniel, it was love at first sight. In fact who wouldn’t be smitten by her beauty?

But there was more than that he was actually smitten by …yes, indeed her ‘heart of gold’. Especially the scene when he says ‘I look at you as my girl and not as Sunny’, this shows how supportive a husband he is.

Image result for Sunny and daniel marriage

From showing up as a gentleman even though Sunny was late for her first date to pampering her with a bouquet of roses and chocolates sent to her room– he loved her to the moon and back!

Then, there’s this scene where he consoles Sunny saying ‘You’re neither a terrorist nor a murderer, you’re just a porn star and someone who is passionate about it!

This shows Daniel never judged her as he has seen her facing the hardest times of her life, , but she ‘slayed’ them all with her dedication towards work, being open about her ‘adult-entertainment industry’ and with Daniel’s support.

He was her backbone and stood like a pillar in her hard times. This is a reference to the scene when she is in depression, especially when her mother had passed away!

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This all made her realise, that Daniel was the ‘one’ and it’s time to get hitched.

Not like every other man, Daniel doesn’t get down on one knee to propose to Sunny, instead his way of the proposal was rather unique.

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Hats off to the man, Daniel Weber, who with Sunny gave us some serious, ‘couple goals’, that we need to look up to!




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32 thoughts on “SUNNY LEONE & DANIEL WEBER: Giving Us Major Couple Goals

  1. I never knew half of the facts which are mentioned here & i think that cost of stardom is allegations and unknown rumours about a person…

  2. I’ve been really wanting to check the series out because of all the taboos she has dealt with and it’s inspiring to see her come out as a successful woman.

  3. Sunny has always been in the talks but for all the wrong reasons. I am really glad to see people promoting her life series and bringing a change in the way society perceives a person.

  4. They make such a cute couple..never got a chance to know so much about their love story before this..wonderful post

  5. Sounds like a story with many shades.Your review is written with a perfect balance of Indian sensibility abd entertainment value

  6. Nice post ! Also Apart from her acting career she has been part of activism campaigns including the Rock ‘n’ Roll Los Angeles Half-Marathon to raise money for the American Cancer Society.

  7. It takes a lot of courage for a women to lead a life she chose for herself. Finding a true love inspite of all the hardships and controversies that ever surrounded her is again a blessing and kudos to this beautiful couple who is setting couple goals for the world.

  8. She is definitely a rock star and moreover a real strong woman. Love the real story behind her love life.

  9. reading about Daniel in your post has driven me more inquisitive about knowing him about more. So will surely see this series. Daniel and Sunny surely give more couple goals.

  10. It’s interesting to see a series that brings out the real side of Sunny’s life. Nice post, Sayeri.

  11. Sunny Leone has always been a favourite of mine since she starred in big boss! She is such a kind soul! This post made me realize how beautiful her relationship with Daniel is… ❤

  12. The one thing about sunny is thtt she can be attractive and classy. She isn’t pathetic and crass. Her story is very intriguing and she deems respect whatever she does.

  13. Sunny Leone’s story is really touching and I am so intrigued. I want to watch the movie and know more about untold story of Karenjeet Kaur. Thanks for sharing x

  14. Sunny’s story is so different than what people might have imagined. This is a great enlightening post and I bet the movie would get many more views as this truly is a super hit one. I adore her relationship with her husband Mr Weber.

  15. I saw an interview of hers and she comes across as someone who wanted to do something and did it. Totally unapologetic and happy in her life!

  16. Ive been seeinf this series on the net and kept brushing it off thinking ugh who’s going to want to see that. but after reading your post I feel a bit judgemental and wrong. In it’s true sense she is just another woman struggling with her life and to make something beautiful of it. I think I’ll start watching this today.

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