My Favorite Online Games – Stress Busters

To anyone reading this past the stroke of 2020, as I am writing it, “Stuck at home?” has turned into more of a drab rhetorical question and it stopped being funny some time ago. We finally now unanimously know how the zoo-experience feels like from the other perspective. While the pandemic is showing no sign of offering respite, most of us have picked up new interests amidst this forced intervention on our lives, and for me, gaming has to be one of the most exciting!

Gaming as a hobby or a recreational activity has seen a tremendous boost of late. Be it in competitive levels or simply recreational, the realm of gaming perhaps has never been so enticing and so widely accessible to different demographics. The youth and the adults alike have taken to gaming as a recourse from the monotony of life, and while gaming was not exactly an unlucrative space before the onslaught of the deadly virus, the context of people being restricted to their domestic spaces has opened up the realm to many more players.

Online websites have come up offering users free games to play, and being an enthusiast of the topic, I tried my hand at quite a few of them. I can be a stickler when it comes to gaming, and things being disorderly or unappealing to my “gaming instincts”, so to speak, can set me off. This website that am talking about is and as their very functional name suggests, they are located at The website took me on a bit of a nostalgic trip back to my days in school, when I would spend my time playing Miniclip games. Plays Org offers a similar kind of interface, and their minimalistic system ensures that nothing else except gaming enjoys the centre stage. The minimalistic approach is in fact one of the things that I most liked about the website because as veterans on the internet would know, no-nonsense sites are extremely hard to come by.

The interface, as described, is silk smooth and an absolute dream when it comes to accessibility. There is a separate space on the site that stores your gaming data, and displays the games that you have played along with your stats in them. The games are conveniently categorised into various categories such as Arcade, Sports, Comics, etcetera. Play Org is an inviting space for parents as well; the category of Education games is one that children would have a tonne of fun with, simultaneously learning the elementaries of mathematics and grammar amongst other topics.

For gamers looking for an adrenaline rush, the games set under the Racing category surely ought to do the trick. Giddy as I am, let me talk about the games I loved the most:

Batman Gotham City Speed:

Batman Gotham City Speed plays

I am a big fan of comics and related media, especially Batman, and you would easily guess why I choose to begin with this. For fans of Batman in the house, the game is an absolute hoot! The controls and plot are basically simple: you play as Batman in a Gotham riddled (get it?!) with villains, and you have to evade them and collect points along the way. Side note: you get to ride the friggin Batmobile AND the Batplane!

Incredible Hulk Chitauri Takedown

This is a game tailor-made for comics fans as well. You get to play as the big green ball of energy and chaos that is the Hulk, and you get to do what he loves to do the most: smash! Fans of Pocket Tanks may or may not have an edge while playing this game (wink wink!).

Incredible Hulk Chitauri Takedown

As you might have rightly surmised, I am most excited about the comics related games on the platform, but I definitely am looking forward to test my skills on the rest of the exhaustive list of games that the site has to offer, spanning over hundred titles and more being added every day. I really like the concept of how all the games are totally free, and given few things generally are, it adds up to the all-round accessibility of the site.

The absence of advertisements and paywalls is genuinely a whiff of fresh air, which allows me to game without any distractions. That said, see you out there in the battlefield!


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