Live, Love And Laugh

Pragmatically a Bong living in the ‘City Of Joy’ and technically a digital marketing enthusiast who lives and loves to sail in the e-world – it’s then I thought, why not ‘digitally’ save my memories somewhere, which will help people savour the same.

Know About Sayeri Diary

An Earthbound Spirit – A Halloween Special Look!

‘When witches go riding And black cats are seen The moon laughs and whispers This near Halloween’ Yes! Finally, Halloween is knocking at our door and it is a spooky, uncanny sensation for me!Halloween is mainly celebrated in western countries like US, Canada, Australia. There people enjoy different Halloween special costume party, where everyone will […]


Alternative Ways to Quit Smoking

Smoking kills you and the people around you. It won’t kill you right away like a gun. It will just cause all the systems in your body to malfunction little-by-little, triggering illnesses along the way and making sure you won’t recover from them easily. It can also burn a whole house if left unattended. If […]


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